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Get Superb Return on Your Real Estate Marketing Investment via Seed Marketing

What makes real estate seed packet marketing  one of the most profitable investment tools within the agent’s promotional arsenal?  The answer is simple yet highly complex because it has everything to do with psychology. 

First, we need to offer full disclosure that none of us here at have PHD’s in psychology. But we do know that seed packet real estate marketing campaigns produce positive return on investment for our customers.  How do we know this?  We’ll, 75% of our real estate seed packet sales are to returning customers who have previously (and successfully) executed one or more seed packet campaigns. 

Seed packet marketing campaigns 
are value-based promotions because they are only slightly more costly than traditional post-card or letter mail marketing campaigns that you’ve been doing for years. The difference is, in this case, you are delivering two benefits in a single marketing action.  Like your traditional post-card and other direct mail marketing campaigns, you are delivering strategic communication regarding the reason prospects should choose you as their agent.  But in addition to that, you are delivering a usable promotional gift along with your marketing communication. This delivers profoundly powerful psychological effect as your target market views you as someone who is already investing in them. Ask yourself how many of your competing agents are doing the same thing. We already know the answer to that question which is “All of the smart and successful ones”.

Don’t let our name fool you.  We design real estate calendar marketing products as a core element of our business.  But we do SO much more!  From real estate magnets, to real estate agent stationaryreal estate marketing flagsnotepads and more, we’ve got every element of your real estate business’s marketing needs covered. For more information regarding all things related to real estate marketing products, contact


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