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Magnetic Real Estate Notepads: Strategic Marketing Strategies that Work

Last week we blogged about real estate magnet marketing. Seems like this would be a good time to talk about a similar marketing strategy, magnetic real estate notepads that can put you out front of your prospects equally effectively.

Magnetic real estate notepads are a fast, easy, and economical way to keep your contact information front and center. These unassuming marketing pieces will be welcomed by your clients and potential clients. Everyone needs notepads! These magnetic notepads cover the most popular uses for quick notes – grocery lists and things to do lists with formatting especially designed to make it easy for your clients to use and enjoy your promotional notepads.

So, what is it about these magnetic real estate marketing product strategies? Why do the most successful real estate agents across the country engage in these strategies? The answer is because they work! Like any business, real estate marketing involves both “push” and “pull” marketing. Pull marketing (a subject for another day) is posturing you and your business in arenas like social media and the web so that when people are actively searching for your services, they can “pull” from those arenas to find you. Push marketing involves the various marketing avenues where you are directly contacting prospective clients to promote your value to them. When you are discovered by a prospect via pull marketing, you are arriving a much “warmer” prospect. The idea in push marketing is to not only get luck and land yourself in front of warm or hot prospects, but to also introduce yourselves to “cold” prospects who do not happen to be actively in the market for your services today. Tomorrow however, is another day where they become warm or hot for your services and prior marketing campaigns like real estate magnets and note pads place in you in position to capitalize upon their initial interest in real estate services. This marketing is both immediate and strategic in nature. You need to be strategic in marketing thought if you are to be successful.

For more tips on notepads, contact RealEstateCalendars.


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