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Why Use Seed Packets as Your Next Real Estate Marketing Campaign?

As we write, brutal winter storms are hammering large swaths of our country. It’s late February and people across the country are pretty much done with winter (at least mentally their done with it) and dreaming of Spring and getting back outside. When coincidentally, they go to the mail box and discover your real estate seed packet mailing and you’ve not only inspired positive thoughts of Spring but have introduced you as quite possibly the only real estate agent they know.

Now, whether that recipient of your thoughtful messaging is in the market to buy or sell real estate, we can all but guarantee some family member, friend, or relative is. Your new connection with that person establishes them as a referral source and thus a direct line for you to grow your business. Do not doubt the effectiveness of this marketing strategy for one very important reason. Seed marketing has been a staple of American business advertising for generations. This is why it is no surprise that seed marketing campaigns every year rank among the most popular of all our real estate marketing products.

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