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Real Estate Marketing Via EDDM Football Schedules – Generate Listings Year Round

Welcome back to our blog! Before we get started, did you realize that we are celebrating our 30 Year Anniversary as the nations #1 source for real estate marketing products! Suffice to say, we’re highly skilled and able to help you generate record-setting real estate sales revenue for you and your business. Today let’s talk about just one way we help you achieve that. Let’s talk every day direct mail (EDDM) real estate football magnet marketing.

Your probably familiar with how EDDM incorporates into your overall business marketing strategy. We won’t focus on the specifics of EDDM today. We’ll dedicate the entire focus of a future blog post to EDDM because that is a very smart way to grow your business and get maximum distribution of the wide variety of real estate marketing promotional products available here at OK, so let’s get to it.

Being a real estate professional demands that you work 24/7, 365. Say that again!??!! That’s impossible. Well, it is possible when you execute real estate marketing campaigns that work for you 24/7, 365, like real estate football schedule magnet marketing!

Marketing studies have shown that magnetic promotional materials are retained long-term by the recipient at an amazing 82% rate. Think about that for a second. Eighty-two of the 100 branded real estate football schedules will remain prominently displayed within your target market’s homes long after the football season is over.

The reason is simple. Your marketing magnets serve a useful purpose beyond advertising you and your services. They are used to post pictures of the grand kids on the fridge and endless other important papers. So, your business contact information remains in clear view of the recipient and all their friends and family long after the football season ends.

Real Estate Marketing Magnets are a recurring campaign strategy for a high percentage of our repeat clientele. The simple reason why is that they are effective in generating leads, and of course, generating increased business revenue.

For more information regarding Real Estate Football Schedule marketing, contact


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