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Real Estate Patriotism Marketing: Successful Agents Stand for and Behind Their Flag

Greetings to all real estate professionals from America’s most respected real estate marketing supply center.  Today we’re going to focus upon incorporating patriotic themes into your real estate marketing strategy. 

So, let’s start off by reminding everyone that the direct association of an exact likeness of the American flag with your business for promotional advertising is a violation of U.S. law. You’ll need to work some form of abstract of the flag to directly associate red, white, blue, and stars with your business.  However, proudly placing the American flag (in an unedited form) on your listed properties is not only a patriotic act, it is also highly effective for marketing purposes

American Flags are used by real estate agents in various ways:

· To Decorate and draw attention to listed properties

· To distribute hand-held flags to prospects at listings and events as warm opening gesture

· To visually celebrate American holidays (Memorial Day, 4th of July, Flag Day, Veterans Day)

Whether you are an independent agent or have teamed with a real estate group, American Flag real estate marketing  is a tool you too can initiate very easily with us here at


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