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Real Estate Baseball Schedule Magnet Marketing Is a Hit for Landing New Listings

Here we are in early April and the buzz for baseball could not be louder.  With the late start to the MLB season, early season excitement is lingering longer than normal. So, with the current focus on baseball there is marketing opportunity for your real estate professionals.  Let’s talk about baseball schedule magnet marketing campaigns

Real estate baseball magnetic pad marketing is an increasingly popular real estate marketing strategy that establishes a bond with prospective clients before you even meet them. The reason for this is simple. You are delivering a branded and useful utility to prospective clients that can’t help but go valued and appreciated.

This is both a tactical (immediate) and strategic marketing (long-term) marketing strategy. Your marketing distribution is likely to find immediate short-term results by you, your brand, you’re your messaging being the first to arrive a prospect who just now has entered the buying or selling mode. Some of your recipients may not be market ready for months, but between now and then, they are regularly subject to your brand and messaging on both the conscious and sub-conscious levels. That simple baseball schedule magnet produces listing across America daily. Why not have them produce for you?

We stand ready to assist your baseball real estate marketing campaign, KW real estate business card magnets, tear-off real estate calendars, and/or countless other effective marketing strategies. Contact us here at today.


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