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Real Estate Baseball Schedule Magnetic Marketing: It’s a Hit!

Their more than a hit, real estate baseball schedule marketing campaigns are a value-based and profitable marketing strategy. Most people, especially professionals are organized when it comes to personal activities. For those who love to post items to their refrigerator, desk, work bench, and countless other areas of the home, the baseball schedule magnetic pads serve as both a functional reference to a favorite sports team as well as a tool to pin other important notices and photos. Bottom line, it is a functional tool to your target audience that will be valued and appreciated.

The magnetic pads baseball schedule stuck on the fridge for months with the your contact information and value statements will serve as an extended period and valuable marketing tool. This magnetic pad is working silently with the double purpose of reminding the baseball schedule and the name of the agent which is becoming a household name. This promotional item is really a big hit since everyone loves them and they are so grateful of receiving one from the agent. Not to mention that even some audiences are asking for a second one to be given to a friend.

The magnetic pads baseball schedule has multi-purpose functions that give reminders to the daily activities, develop healthy habits in being organized, and at the same time work silently in acquiring prospects of the agent. The objective is everyone is trying to remember things but it will not help them to stay organized. With a magnetic pad reminder being visible every day, all information indicated will stick in their minds and soon the prospect will call the agent when the need arises.

For more tips on baseball schedule, contact


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