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Baseball Schedule Magnetic Notepads: Simple Strategy That Makes an Impression

What are you doing to set your real estate business apart from your competition? Are you selling yourself as an “outside the box” innovative thinker? Are you willing to communicate to prospects a willingness to invest in them before they invest in you? Now that is outside the box and we have for you here today a reference to a simple, effective, and affordable marketing strategy, baseball schedule magnet mailer marketing.

We’re here to tell you that the vast majority of your magnet mailers end up prominently displayed within your target audience’s home and for an extended period of time. You stand to be front and center within the minds of home selling or buying prospects on a daily basis.

Generally, it is a struggle to be noticed by the customer when you want to achieve something in your business. The easy-to-read baseball schedule notepad with an imprint of the agent’s name at the bottom will serve a dual-purpose for the agent and the clients. You want to give your potential prospect a useful leave-behind gift that will keep your business on top of his mind. With the baseball schedule printed notepads, it is an affordable and very practical, and yet powerful promotional tool. As clients jot down notes and a to-do-list with a baseball schedule besides the paper, the agent’s info featured at every turn of the page will give a big difference. This notepad will connect you and the clients for the entire year on a daily basis.

It is very encouraging to make your clients’ team spirit for the home team by pairing your brand with the season’s schedule. The baseball schedule will schedule professional sports which there are several styles to choose from and the sports schedules are personalized with your info. This will ensure that the agent’s branding will stick around for the entire season long and helps create a lasting connection with clients.

For more tips on Baseball magnetic notepads, contact


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